API Overview
API Overview
Methods for integrating TBC E-Commerce service into your e-commerce solution.
Endpoint Addresses:
All endpoints are structured according to the following pattern:
Base URL
- Production service Base URL: https://api.tbcbank.ge
API Version
current version: v1
Product endpoints
- Get Access Token:
Gets access-token for accessing TBC E-Commerce resources. TBC E-Commerce merchant parameters - client_id and client_secret values should be passed as a form parameters in body. - Create Payment:
Request initiates TBC E-Commerce web payment. - Get Payment Details:
Request returns payment status and details for given payId. - Cancel Payment:
Request cancels payment for given payId - Complete Pre-authorization:
Request completes authorization process for payment with given payId. - Execute Recurring Payment:
Request initiates recurring payment. - Delete Recurring Payment:
Request deletes recurring payment for given recurring payment id recId.
Authorizing Requests:
- All requests should contain apikey parameter with corresponding developer app key value in a Header.
- apikey parameter is used to verify registered developer app and grant general access to make api call. To get your developer app key, follow instructions at Creating developer account.
access token
- In order to execute TBC E-Commerce Services, you must be registered as a TBC E-Commerce Merchant.
- access token is needed for executing TBC E-Commerce payment methods. Token can be obtained by executing /tpay/access-token request, with corresponding client_id and client_secret parameters, as described below. Received token value should then be passed in an Authorization Header for other methods. Token is valid within 1 day.
Testing services:
- Postman collection with test services can be downloaded from the following link: TBC E-Commerce API Services Collection
Updated over 3 years ago